Rocket Name: Shaken, Not Stirred
Builder: Peter E. Abresch Jr.
Rocket Kit: Firestorm 54
Manufacturer: Giant Leap Rocketry
Motor Size: 54mm with 38mm adapter
Recovery: Duel, apogee drogue and main at altitude
Electronics: Perfectflite Stratologger altimeter
Weight w/o motor: 4 lbs 15 ozs
Current Status: Ready to fly
This rocket was very easy to build with a rock solid fin can that required no effort. Everything was included in the kit and has become my favorite duel deployment rocket.
Flight Logs
Date Engine Altitude/Ft Location Notes 02/24/2008 Loki H144 1560 Higgs Dairy Farm maiden flight, separation due to unlinked shockcord 03/14/2008 Loki H144 1462 Higgs Dairy Farm high winds drag rocket through muddy field after landing 04/19/2008 Loki H144 1480 Higgs Dairy Farm Red Glare IV
05/17/2008 Loki H144 1464 Central Sod Farm windy, landed in stream but was quickly dried before damage 07/13/2008 Loki H144 1434 Central Sod Farm nice flight 08/16/2008 Loki H144 1388 Central Sod Farm angled launch into the wind
09/13/2008 Loki H144 1348 Central Sod Farm nice flight, landed close to the flight line 10/11/2008 Loki H144 1404 Higgs Dairy Farm nice flight, long recovery walk
11/07/2008 Loki J396SF 5040 Higgs Dairy Farm Red Glare V/nice flight, personal altitude best 11/09/2008 Loki H144 1424 Higgs Dairy Farm Red Glare V/nice flight, landed close to the flight line 12/13/2008 Loki H144 1400 Higgs Dairy Farm nice flight, landed close to the flight line 01/10/2009 Loki H144 1369 Higgs Dairy Farm nice flight, landed close to the flight line
02/15/2009 Loki H144 1320 Higgs Dairy Farm takeoff struggled in the high wind, recovery was fine
03/14/2009 Loki J528 6324 Higgs Dairy Farm super fast ascent with personal altitude best 04/18/2009 Loki J396SF 5148 Higgs Dairy Farm Red GlareVI/perfect flight - winner of closest to a mile contest
05/16/2009 Loki H144 1300 Central Sod Farm nice flight, first flight with extended drogue length
06/13/2009 Loki H144 1375 Central Sod Farm nice flight, main parachute had a slight tangle, no damage 07/25/2009 Loki H144 1360 Central Sod Farm nice flight, almost hit electric lines, landed in road
08/22/2009 Loki H144 1300 Central Sod Farm nice flight with close recovery 09/19/2009 Loki H144 1344 Central Sod Farm nice flight with soft recovery on the sod 11/14/2009 Loki H144 1300 Higgs Dairy Farm Red Glare VII/onboard video camera, landed on windshield
01/16/2010 Loki I210R 3712 Higgs Dairy Farm Upper Winds pushed it far/Gearcam failed to write EOF
03/20/2010 Loki H144 1324 Higgs Dairy Farm almost hit vehicle, nice onboard video
04/17/2010 Loki H144 1371 Higgs Farm RG8/late apogee deployment caused minor zipper damage
05/16/2010 Loki H144 1252 Central Sod Farm Perfect 25th flight, received 4 "very nice" rating
06/26/2010 Loki H144 1268 Central Sod Farm Nice flight with onboard video
07/17/2010 Loki H144 1204 Central Sod Farm Nice flight with onboard video, ascent was straight
09/18/2010 Loki H144 1204 Central Sod Farm Nice flight with onboard video, landed almost on my head
11/20/2010 Loki H144 1134 Higgs Farm Landed in the ditch, up a tree, and in a briar patch
12/18/2010 Loki H144 1256 Higgs Farm Good straight flight with close landing
01/15/2011 Loki H144 1182 Higgs Farm Nice flight in the snow
03/19/2011 Loki H144 1344 Higgs Farm Nice flight but was dragged and broke the boostercam
04/08/2011 Loki H144 1254 Higgs Farm RG10/Nice flight, nose cone came loose before mains
05/14/2011 Loki H144 1232 Central Sod Farm Lost the Booster Cam during apogee ejection, RIP
06/18/2011 Loki H144 1240 Central Sod Farm Nice Flight, almost hit Neil's truck
07/17/2011 Loki H144 1228 Central Sod Farm Landed on rocket, dented motor retainer, require repairs
08/13/2011 Loki H144 1280 Central Sod Farm Perfect flight, landed on soft sod
11/18/2011 Loki H144 1361 Higgs Farm RGXI, nice flight, landed in low cover crop
12/17/2011 Loki H144 1228 Higgs Farm nice flight, landed just past the muddy ditch
01/14/2012 Loki H144 1239 Higgs Farm apogee charge did not fire, zipper damage to the sustainer
03/10/2012 Loki H144 1290 Higgs Farm Perfect 41st flight, apogee charge appared to fire
04/13/2012 Loki H144 1164 Higgs Farm RG12, nice flight, main ejection chipped sustainer
05/19/2012 Loki H144 1228 Central Sod Farm Multiple chuff before liftoff, possible igniter issues
06/09/2012 CTI H143 SS 1335 Central Sod Farm First flight on non-Loki motor, melted drogue chute
07/28/2012 CTI H143 SS 1307 Central Sod Farm Nice flight, landed on hatch of minivan, no damage
08/19/2012 CTI H143 SS 1356 Central Sod Farm Nice flight, used screamer, landed in soy beans
09/15/2012 CTI H143 SS 1288 Central Sod Farm Nice flight, used screamer, landed in soy beans, no damage
10/13/2012 CTI H143 SS 1408 Central Sod Farm Nice flight, main body broke in half due to fatigue
11/16/2012 CTI H143 SS 1266 Higgs Farm RG13, repaired sustainer, nice flight
11/18/2012 CTI H143 SS 1152 Higgs Farm RG13, *** 50th Flight, 50 years of James Bond, new sustainer
12/15/2012 CTI H225 1547 Higgs Farm Tangle recovery, nose pulled main out early, no damage
01/12/2013 CTI H225 1517 Higgs Farm New parachute, drogue did not deploy, landed in parking area
03/17/2013 CTI H225 1543 Higgs Farm Tangle drogue and loose nose cone, no damaged
04/14/2013 CTI H225 1499 Higgs Farm Perfect flight, landed just past the drainage ditch
05/18/2013 CTI H152 1347 Central Sod Farm Nice flight, landed in the soft sod
06/15/2013 CTI H225 324 Central Sod Farm Nozzle O-Ring Failure caused zipper and burn damage
07/13/2013 CTI H152 1307 Central Sod Farm Acceptable flight, landed on corn fields edge
08/17/2013 CTI H152 1097 Central Sod Farm Under powered and unstable flight, no damage
09/15/2013 CTI H120 1350 Central Sod Farm Nice flight on the red propellant, nice recovery
10/13/2013 CTI H120 1333 Central Sod Farm Wet dreary day, rocket landed across street over fence
11/17/2013 CTI H120 1295 Central Sod Farm Perfect 61st flight
12/13/2013 CTI H120 1248 Higgs Farm RG15, main parachute did not inflate, no damage
01/19/2014 CTI H120 1317 Higgs Farm Nice flight, landed very close to takeoff launch pad
03/15/2014 CTI H120 1314 Higgs Farm Nice flight, wind dragged rocket to stream
04/11/2014 CTI H120 1262 Higgs Farm RG16, Nice 65th flight, landed along flight line
05/17/2014 CTI H120 1165 Central Sod Farm Nice flight, landed in soft sod
06/21/2014 CTI H120 1277 Central Sod Farm Nice flight, landed very close to the LCO
07/27/2014 CTI H120 1295 Central Sod Farm Nice straight flight, landed in soft sod
08/17/2014 CTI H120 1230 Central Sod Farm Good flight, landed in soft sod near porta-potty
09/14/2014 CTI H120 1343 Central Sod Farm 70th flight and it was picture perfect
10/12/2014 CTI H120 Unknown Central Sod Farm Electronics failed to arm, motor backup saved rocket
01/17/2015 CTI H120 1360 Higgs Farm Nice Flight, altimeter worked, landed on camera man
03/29/2015 CTI H120 1387 Higgs Farm Nice Flight, came close to landing in the creek
04/11/2015 CTI H152 1154 Higgs Farm Nice Flight, floated a distance in the winds
06/14/2015 CTI H120 1317 Central Sod Farm 75th Flight, recovered in soy beans with no damage
07/12/2015 CTI H152 1359 Central Sod Farm Nice flight, recovered in soy beans with no damage
08/22/2015 CTI H120 1190 Central Sod Farm Flight arced into upper winds, almost landed on roof
09/20/2015 CTI H100 1240 Central Sod Farm Flight arced, landing broke off the fin can
10/10/2015 CTI H225 1325 Central Sod Farm Nice flight, landed in harvested soy bean field
11/21/2015 CTI H100 1180 Higgs Farm Windy overcast day, lost it at apogee before regaining it
12/19/2015 CTI H225 1280 Higgs Farm Cold and windy, mains inflated just in time
01/17/2016 CTI H225 1303 Higgs Farm Cold with snow, very nice flight
03/12/2016 CTI H225 1342 Higgs Farm Missed the ascent due to mislabeled cables
04/08/2016 CTI H225 1326 Higgs Farm Nice 84th flight at Red Glare 18
06/25/2016 CTI H225 1304 Central Sod Farm Nice flight, landed very close to the pad
07/16/2016 CTI H225 1320 Central Sod Farm Nice straight flight, landed very close to the pad
08/20/2016 CTI H225 1296 Central Sod Farm Nice straight flight, landed very close to the pad
10/15/2016 CTI H225 1378 Central Sod Farm Nice straight flight, nice landing
01/15/2017 CTI H125 1203 Higgs Farm Very Nice flight, H125 is too docile in a stiff breeze
02/11/2017 CTI H160 1300 Higgs Farm 90th flightNice flight, leads crossed again
06/25/2017 CTI H143 1020 Central Sod Farm Perfect flight once again
07/23/2017 CTI H225 1292 Central Sod Farm Another perfect flight
08/20/2017 CTI H225 1333 Central Sod Farm Another perfect flight